- Look for the OWASP Juice Shop app:
helm search hub owasp juice
- Since the URLs are truncated, try with the YAML output:
helm search hub owasp juice -o yaml
Then go to → https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/seccurecodebox/juice-shop
## Finding charts on the web
- We can also use the Artifact Hub search feature
- Go to https://artifacthub.io/
- In the search box on top, enter "owasp juice"
- Click on the "juice-shop" result (not "multi-juicer" or "juicy-ctf")
## Installing the chart
- Click on the "Install" button, it will show instructions
- First, add the repository for that chart:
helm repo add juice https://charts.securecodebox.io
- Then, install the chart:
helm install my-juice-shop juice/juice-shop
Note: it is also possible to install directly a chart, with `--repo https://...`
## Charts and releases
- "Installing a chart" means creating a *release*
- In the previous example, the release was named "my-juice-shop"
- We can also use `--generate-name` to ask Helm to generate a name for us
- List the releases:
helm list
- Check that we have a `my-juice-shop-...` Pod up and running:
kubectl get pods
## Viewing resources of a release
- This specific chart labels all its resources with a `release` label
- We can use a selector to see these resources
- List all the resources created by this release:
kubectl get all --selector=app.kubernetes.io/instance=my-juice-shop
Note: this label wasn't added automatically by Helm.
It is defined in that chart. In other words, not all charts will provide this label.
## Configuring a release
- By default, `juice/juice-shop` creates a service of type `ClusterIP`
- We would like to change that to a `NodePort`
- We could use `kubectl edit service my-juice-shop`, but ...
... our changes would get overwritten next time we update that chart!
- Instead, we are going to *set a value*
- Values are parameters that the chart can use to change its behavior
- Values have default values
- Each chart is free to define its own values and their defaults
## Checking possible values
- We can inspect a chart with `helm show` or `helm inspect`
- Look at the README for the app:
helm show readme juice/juice-shop
- Look at the values and their defaults:
helm show values juice/juice-shop
The `values` may or may not have useful comments.
The `readme` may or may not have (accurate) explanations for the values.
(If we're unlucky, there won't be any indication about how to use the values!)
## Setting values
- Values can be set when installing a chart, or when upgrading it
- We are going to update `my-juice-shop` to change the type of the service
- Update `my-juice-shop`:
helm upgrade my-juice-shop juice/juice-shop \
--set service.type=NodePort
Note that we have to specify the chart that we use (`juice/my-juice-shop`),
even if we just want to update some values.
We can set multiple values. If we want to set many values, we can use `-f`/`--values` and pass a YAML file with all the values.
All unspecified values will take the default values defined in the chart.
## Connecting to the Juice Shop
- Let's check the app that we just installed
- Check the node port allocated to the service:
kubectl get service my-juice-shop
PORT=$(kubectl get service my-juice-shop -o jsonpath={..nodePort})
- Connect to it:
curl localhost:$PORT/
:EN:- Helm concepts
:EN:- Installing software with Helm
:EN:- Finding charts on the Artifact Hub
:FR:- Fonctionnement général de Helm
:FR:- Installer des composants via Helm
:FR:- Trouver des *charts* sur *Artifact Hub*
:T: Getting started with Helm and its concepts
:Q: Which comparison is the most adequate?
:A: Helm is a firewall, charts are access lists
:A: ✔️Helm is a package manager, charts are packages
:A: Helm is an artefact repository, charts are artefacts
:A: Helm is a CI/CD platform, charts are CI/CD pipelines
:Q: What's required to distribute a Helm chart?
:A: A Helm commercial license
:A: A Docker registry
:A: An account on the Helm Hub
:A: ✔️An HTTP server
class: pic
name: toc-helm-chart-format
class: title
Helm chart format
[Previous part](#toc-managing-stacks-with-helm)
[Back to table of contents](#toc-part-1)
[Next part](#toc-creating-a-basic-chart)
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# Helm chart format
- What exactly is a chart?
- What's in it?
- What would be involved in creating a chart?
(we won't create a chart, but we'll see the required steps)
## What is a chart
- A chart is a set of files
- Some of these files are mandatory for the chart to be viable
(more on that later)
- These files are typically packed in a tarball
- These tarballs are stored in "repos"
(which can be static HTTP servers)
- We can install from a repo, from a local tarball, or an unpacked tarball
(the latter option is preferred when developing a chart)
## What's in a chart
- A chart must have at least:
- a `templates` directory, with YAML manifests for Kubernetes resources
- a `values.yaml` file, containing (tunable) parameters for the chart
- a `Chart.yaml` file, containing metadata (name, version, description ...)
- Let's look at a simple chart for a basic demo app
## Adding the repo
- If you haven't done it before, you need to add the repo for that chart
- Add the repo that holds the chart for the OWASP Juice Shop:
helm repo add juice https://charts.securecodebox.io
## Downloading a chart
- We can use `helm pull` to download a chart from a repo
- Download the tarball for `juice/juice-shop`:
helm pull juice/juice-shop
(This will create a file named `juice-shop-X.Y.Z.tgz`.)
- Or, download + untar `juice/juice-shop`:
helm pull juice/juice-shop --untar
(This will create a directory named `juice-shop`.)
## Looking at the chart's content
- Let's look at the files and directories in the `juice-shop` chart
- Display the tree structure of the chart we just downloaded:
tree juice-shop
We see the components mentioned above: `Chart.yaml`, `templates/`, `values.yaml`.
## Templates
- The `templates/` directory contains YAML manifests for Kubernetes resources
(Deployments, Services, etc.)
- These manifests can contain template tags
(using the standard Go template library)
- Look at the template file for the Service resource:
cat juice-shop/templates/service.yaml
## Analyzing the template file
- Tags are identified by `{{ ... }}`
- `{{ template "x.y" }}` expands a [named template](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/named_templates/#declaring-and-using-templates-with-define-and-template)
(previously defined with `{{ define "x.y" }}...stuff...{{ end }}`)
- The `.` in `{{ template "x.y" . }}` is the *context* for that named template
(so that the named template block can access variables from the local context)
- `{{ .Release.xyz }}` refers to [built-in variables](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/builtin_objects/) initialized by Helm
(indicating the chart name, version, whether we are installing or upgrading ...)
- `{{ .Values.xyz }}` refers to tunable/settable [values](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/values_files/)
(more on that in a minute)
## Values
- Each chart comes with a
[values file](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/values_files/)
- It's a YAML file containing a set of default parameters for the chart
- The values can be accessed in templates with e.g. `{{ .Values.x.y }}`
(corresponding to field `y` in map `x` in the values file)
- The values can be set or overridden when installing or ugprading a chart:
- with `--set x.y=z` (can be used multiple times to set multiple values)
- with `--values some-yaml-file.yaml` (set a bunch of values from a file)
- Charts following best practices will have values following specific patterns
(e.g. having a `service` map allowing to set `service.type` etc.)
## Other useful tags
- `{{ if x }} y {{ end }}` allows to include `y` if `x` evaluates to `true`
(can be used for e.g. healthchecks, annotations, or even an entire resource)
- `{{ range x }} y {{ end }}` iterates over `x`, evaluating `y` each time
(the elements of `x` are assigned to `.` in the range scope)
- `{{- x }}`/`{{ x -}}` will remove whitespace on the left/right
- The whole [Sprig](http://masterminds.github.io/sprig/) library, with additions:
`lower` `upper` `quote` `trim` `default` `b64enc` `b64dec` `sha256sum` `indent` `toYaml` ...
## Pipelines
- `{{ quote blah }}` can also be expressed as `{{ blah | quote }}`
- With multiple arguments, `{{ x y z }}` can be expressed as `{{ z | x y }}`)
- Example: `{{ .Values.annotations | toYaml | indent 4 }}`
- transforms the map under `annotations` into a YAML string
- indents it with 4 spaces (to match the surrounding context)
- Pipelines are not specific to Helm, but a feature of Go templates
(check the [Go text/template documentation](https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/) for more details and examples)
## README and NOTES.txt
- At the top-level of the chart, it's a good idea to have a README
- It will be viewable with e.g. `helm show readme juice/juice-shop`
- In the `templates/` directory, we can also have a `NOTES.txt` file
- When the template is installed (or upgraded), `NOTES.txt` is processed too
(i.e. its `{{ ... }}` tags are evaluated)
- It gets displayed after the install or upgrade
- It's a great place to generate messages to tell the user:
- how to connect to the release they just deployed
- any passwords or other thing that we generated for them
## Additional files
- We can place arbitrary files in the chart (outside of the `templates/` directory)
- They can be accessed in templates with `.Files`
- They can be transformed into ConfigMaps or Secrets with `AsConfig` and `AsSecrets`
(see [this example](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/accessing_files/#configmap-and-secrets-utility-functions) in the Helm docs)
## Hooks and tests
- We can define *hooks* in our templates
- Hooks are resources annotated with `"helm.sh/hook": NAME-OF-HOOK`
- Hook names include `pre-install`, `post-install`, `test`, [and much more](https://helm.sh/docs/topics/charts_hooks/#the-available-hooks)
- The resources defined in hooks are loaded at a specific time
- Hook execution is *synchronous*
(if the resource is a Job or Pod, Helm will wait for its completion)
- This can be use for database migrations, backups, notifications, smoke tests ...
- Hooks named `test` are executed only when running `helm test RELEASE-NAME`
:EN:- Helm charts format
:FR:- Le format des *Helm charts*
class: pic
name: toc-creating-a-basic-chart
class: title
Creating a basic chart
[Previous part](#toc-helm-chart-format)
[Back to table of contents](#toc-part-1)
[Next part](#toc-exercise--helm-charts)
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# Creating a basic chart
- We are going to show a way to create a *very simplified* chart
- In a real chart, *lots of things* would be templatized
(Resource names, service types, number of replicas...)
- Create a sample chart:
helm create dockercoins
- Move away the sample templates and create an empty template directory:
mv dockercoins/templates dockercoins/default-templates
mkdir dockercoins/templates
## Adding the manifests of our app
- There is a convenient `dockercoins.yml` in the repo
- Copy the YAML file to the `templates` subdirectory in the chart:
cp ~/container.training/k8s/dockercoins.yaml dockercoins/templates
- Note: it is probably easier to have multiple YAML files
(rather than a single, big file with all the manifests)
- But that works too!
## Testing our Helm chart
- Our Helm chart is now ready
(as surprising as it might seem!)
- Let's try to install the chart:
helm install helmcoins dockercoins
(`helmcoins` is the name of the release; `dockercoins` is the local path of the chart)
- If the application is already deployed, this will fail:
Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists.
Unable to continue with install: existing resource conflict:
kind: Service, namespace: default, name: hasher
## Switching to another namespace
- If there is already a copy of dockercoins in the current namespace:
- we can switch with `kubens` or `kubectl config set-context`
- we can also tell Helm to use a different namespace
- Create a new namespace:
kubectl create namespace helmcoins
- Deploy our chart in that namespace:
helm install helmcoins dockercoins --namespace=helmcoins
## Helm releases are namespaced
- Let's try to see the release that we just deployed
- List Helm releases:
helm list
Our release doesn't show up!
We have to specify its namespace (or switch to that namespace).
## Specifying the namespace
- Try again, with the correct namespace
- List Helm releases in `helmcoins`:
helm list --namespace=helmcoins
## Checking our new copy of DockerCoins
- We can check the worker logs, or the web UI
- Retrieve the NodePort number of the web UI:
kubectl get service webui --namespace=helmcoins
- Open it in a web browser
- Look at the worker logs:
kubectl logs deploy/worker --tail=10 --follow --namespace=helmcoins
Note: it might take a minute or two for the worker to start.
## Discussion, shortcomings
- Helm (and Kubernetes) best practices recommend to add a number of annotations
(e.g. `app.kubernetes.io/name`, `helm.sh/chart`, `app.kubernetes.io/instance` ...)
- Our basic chart doesn't have any of these
- Our basic chart doesn't use any template tag
- Does it make sense to use Helm in that case?
- *Yes,* because Helm will:
- track the resources created by the chart
- save successive revisions, allowing us to rollback
[Helm docs](https://helm.sh/docs/topics/chart_best_practices/labels/)
and [Kubernetes docs](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/common-labels/)
have details about recommended annotations and labels.
## Cleaning up
- Let's remove that chart before moving on
- Delete the release (don't forget to specify the namespace):
helm delete helmcoins --namespace=helmcoins
## Tips when writing charts
- It is not necessary to `helm install`/`upgrade` to test a chart
- If we just want to look at the generated YAML, use `helm template`:
helm template ./my-chart
helm template release-name ./my-chart
- Of course, we can use `--set` and `--values` too
- Note that this won't fully validate the YAML!
(e.g. if there is `apiVersion: klingon` it won't complain)
- This can be used when trying things out
## Exploring the templating system
Try to put something like this in a file in the `templates` directory:
hello: {{ .Values.service.port }}
comment: {{/* something completely.invalid !!! */}}
type: {{ .Values.service | typeOf | printf }}
### print complex value
{{ .Values.service | toYaml }}
### indent it
{{ .Values.service | toYaml | indent 2 }}
Then run `helm template`.
The result is not a valid YAML manifest, but this is a great debugging tool!
:EN:- Writing a basic Helm chart for the whole app
:FR:- Écriture d'un *chart* Helm simplifié
class: pic
name: toc-exercise--helm-charts
class: title
Exercise — Helm Charts
[Previous part](#toc-creating-a-basic-chart)
[Back to table of contents](#toc-part-1)
[Next part](#toc-creating-better-helm-charts)
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# Exercise — Helm Charts
- We want to deploy dockercoins with a Helm chart
- We want to have a "generic chart" and instantiate it 5 times
(once for each service)
- We will pass values to the chart to customize it for each component
(to indicate which image to use, which ports to expose, etc.)
- We'll use `helm create` as a starting point for our generic chart
## Goal
- Have a directory with the generic chart
(e.g. `generic-chart`)
- Have 5 value files
(e.g. `hasher.yml`, `redis.yml`, `rng.yml`, `webui.yml`, `worker.yml`)
- Be able to install dockercoins by running 5 times:
`helm install X ./generic-chart --values=X.yml`
## Hints
- There are many little things to tweak in the generic chart
(service names, port numbers, healthchecks...)
- Check the training slides if you need a refresher!
## Bonus 1
- Minimize the amount of values that have to be set
- Option 1: no values at all for `rng` and `hasher`
(default values assume HTTP service listening on port 80)
- Option 2: no values at all for `worker`
(default values assume worker container with no service)
## Bonus 2
- Handle healthchecks
- Make sure that healthchecks are enabled in HTTP services
- ...But not in Redis or in the worker
## Bonus 3
- Make it easy to change image versions
- E.g. change `v0.1` to `v0.2` by changing only *one* thing in *one* place
## Bonus 4
- Make it easy to use images on a different registry
- We can assume that the images will always have the same names
(`hasher`, `rng`, `webui`, `worker`)
- And the same tag
class: pic
name: toc-creating-better-helm-charts
class: title
Creating better Helm charts
[Previous part](#toc-exercise--helm-charts)
[Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2)
[Next part](#toc-charts-using-other-charts)
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# Creating better Helm charts
- We are going to create a chart with the helper `helm create`
- This will give us a chart implementing lots of Helm best practices
(labels, annotations, structure of the `values.yaml` file ...)
- We will use that chart as a generic Helm chart
- We will use it to deploy DockerCoins
- Each component of DockerCoins will have its own *release*
- In other words, we will "install" that Helm chart multiple times
(one time per component of DockerCoins)
## Creating a generic chart
- Rather than starting from scratch, we will use `helm create`
- This will give us a basic chart that we will customize
- Create a basic chart:
cd ~
helm create helmcoins
This creates a basic chart in the directory `helmcoins`.
## What's in the basic chart?
- The basic chart will create a Deployment and a Service
- Optionally, it will also include an Ingress
- If we don't pass any values, it will deploy the `nginx` image
- We can override many things in that chart
- Let's try to deploy DockerCoins components with that chart!
## Writing `values.yaml` for our components
- We need to write one `values.yaml` file for each component
(hasher, redis, rng, webui, worker)
- We will start with the `values.yaml` of the chart, and remove what we don't need
- We will create 5 files:
hasher.yaml, redis.yaml, rng.yaml, webui.yaml, worker.yaml
- In each file, we want to have:
## Getting started
- For component X, we want to use the image dockercoins/X:v0.1
(for instance, for rng, we want to use the image dockercoins/rng:v0.1)
- Exception: for redis, we want to use the official image redis:latest
- Write YAML files for the 5 components, with the following model:
repository: `IMAGE-REPOSITORY-NAME` (e.g. dockercoins/worker)
tag: `IMAGE-TAG` (e.g. v0.1)
## Deploying DockerCoins components
- For convenience, let's work in a separate namespace
- Create a new namespace (if it doesn't already exist):
kubectl create namespace helmcoins
- Switch to that namespace:
kns helmcoins
## Deploying the chart
- To install a chart, we can use the following command:
- We can also use the following command, which is *idempotent*:
- Install the 5 components of DockerCoins:
for COMPONENT in hasher redis rng webui worker; do
helm upgrade $COMPONENT helmcoins --install --values=$COMPONENT.yaml
class: extra-details
## "Idempotent"
- Idempotent = that can be applied multiple times without changing the result
(the word is commonly used in maths and computer science)
- In this context, this means:
- if the action (installing the chart) wasn't done, do it
- if the action was already done, don't do anything
- Ideally, when such an action fails, it can be retried safely
(as opposed to, e.g., installing a new release each time we run it)
- Other example: `kubectl apply -f some-file.yaml`
## Checking what we've done
- Let's see if DockerCoins is working!
- Check the logs of the worker:
stern worker
- Look at the resources that were created:
kubectl get all
There are *many* issues to fix!
## Can't pull image
- It looks like our images can't be found
- Use `kubectl describe` on any of the pods in error
- We're trying to pull `rng:1.16.0` instead of `rng:v0.1`!
- Where does that `1.16.0` tag come from?
## Inspecting our template
- Let's look at the `templates/` directory
(and try to find the one generating the Deployment resource)
- Show the structure of the `helmcoins` chart that Helm generated:
tree helmcoins
- Check the file `helmcoins/templates/deployment.yaml`
- Look for the `image:` parameter
*The image tag references `{{ .Chart.AppVersion }}`. Where does that come from?*
## The `.Chart` variable
- `.Chart` is a map corresponding to the values in `Chart.yaml`
- Let's look for `AppVersion` there!
- Check the file `helmcoins/Chart.yaml`
- Look for the `appVersion:` parameter
(Yes, the case is different between the template and the Chart file.)
## Using the correct tags
- If we change `AppVersion` to `v0.1`, it will change for *all* deployments
(including redis)
- Instead, let's change the *template* to use `{{ .Values.image.tag }}`
(to match what we've specified in our values YAML files)
- Edit `helmcoins/templates/deployment.yaml`
- Replace `{{ .Chart.AppVersion }}` with `{{ .Values.image.tag }}`
## Upgrading to use the new template
- Technically, we just made a new version of the *chart*
- To use the new template, we need to *upgrade* the release to use that chart
- Upgrade all components:
for COMPONENT in hasher redis rng webui worker; do
helm upgrade $COMPONENT helmcoins
- Check how our pods are doing:
kubectl get pods
We should see all pods "Running". But ... not all of them are READY.
## Troubleshooting readiness
- `hasher`, `rng`, `webui` should show up as `1/1 READY`
- But `redis` and `worker` should show up as `0/1 READY`
- Why?
## Troubleshooting pods
- The easiest way to troubleshoot pods is to look at *events*
- We can look at all the events on the cluster (with `kubectl get events`)
- Or we can use `kubectl describe` on the objects that have problems
(`kubectl describe` will retrieve the events related to the object)
- Check the events for the redis pods:
kubectl describe pod -l app.kubernetes.io/name=redis
It's failing both its liveness and readiness probes!
## Healthchecks
- The default chart defines healthchecks doing HTTP requests on port 80
- That won't work for redis and worker
(redis is not HTTP, and not on port 80; worker doesn't even listen)
- We could remove or comment out the healthchecks
- We could also make them conditional
- This sounds more interesting, let's do that!
## Conditionals
- We need to enclose the healthcheck block with:
`{{ if false }}` at the beginning (we can change the condition later)
`{{ end }}` at the end
- Edit `helmcoins/templates/deployment.yaml`
- Add `{{ if false }}` on the line before `livenessProbe`
- Add `{{ end }}` after the `readinessProbe` section
(see next slide for details)
This is what the new YAML should look like (added lines in yellow):
- name: http
containerPort: 80
protocol: TCP
`{{ if false }}`
path: /
port: http
path: /
port: http
`{{ end }}`
{{- toYaml .Values.resources | nindent 12 }}
## Testing the new chart
- We need to upgrade all the services again to use the new chart
- Upgrade all components:
for COMPONENT in hasher redis rng webui worker; do
helm upgrade $COMPONENT helmcoins
- Check how our pods are doing:
kubectl get pods
Everything should now be running!
## What's next?
- Is this working now?
- Let's check the logs of the worker:
stern worker
This error might look familiar ... The worker can't resolve `redis`.
Typically, that error means that the `redis` service doesn't exist.
## Checking services
- What about the services created by our chart?
- Check the list of services:
kubectl get services
They are named `COMPONENT-helmcoins` instead of just `COMPONENT`.
We need to change that!
## Where do the service names come from?
- Look at the YAML template used for the services
- It should be using `{{ include "helmcoins.fullname" }}`
- `include` indicates a *template block* defined somewhere else
- Find where that `fullname` thing is defined:
grep define.*fullname helmcoins/templates/*
It should be in `_helpers.tpl`.
We can look at the definition, but it's fairly complex ...
## Changing service names
- Instead of that `{{ include }}` tag, let's use the name of the release
- The name of the release is available as `{{ .Release.Name }}`
- Edit `helmcoins/templates/service.yaml`
- Replace the service name with `{{ .Release.Name }}`
- Upgrade all the releases to use the new chart
- Confirm that the services now have the right names
## Is it working now?
- If we look at the worker logs, it appears that the worker is still stuck
- What could be happening?
- The redis service is not on port 80!
- Let's see how the port number is set
- We need to look at both the *deployment* template and the *service* template
## Service template
- In the service template, we have the following section:
- port: {{ .Values.service.port }}
targetPort: http
protocol: TCP
name: http
- `port` is the port on which the service is "listening"
(i.e. to which our code needs to connect)
- `targetPort` is the port on which the pods are listening
- The `name` is not important (it's OK if it's `http` even for non-HTTP traffic)
## Setting the redis port
- Let's add a `service.port` value to the redis release
- Edit `redis.yaml` to add:
port: 6379
- Apply the new values file:
helm upgrade redis helmcoins --values=redis.yaml
## Deployment template
- If we look at the deployment template, we see this section:
- name: http
containerPort: 80
protocol: TCP
- The container port is hard-coded to 80
- We'll change it to use the port number specified in the values
## Changing the deployment template
- Edit `helmcoins/templates/deployment.yaml`
- The line with `containerPort` should be:
containerPort: {{ .Values.service.port }}
## Apply changes
- Re-run the for loop to execute `helm upgrade` one more time
- Check the worker logs
- This time, it should be working!
## Extra steps
- We don't need to create a service for the worker
- We can put the whole service block in a conditional
(this will require additional changes in other files referencing the service)
- We can set the webui to be a NodePort service
- We can change the number of workers with `replicaCount`
- And much more!
:EN:- Writing better Helm charts for app components
:FR:- Écriture de *charts* composant par composant
class: pic
name: toc-charts-using-other-charts
class: title
Charts using other charts
[Previous part](#toc-creating-better-helm-charts)
[Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2)
[Next part](#toc-helm-and-invalid-values)
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# Charts using other charts
- Helm charts can have *dependencies* on other charts
- These dependencies will help us to share or reuse components
(so that we write and maintain less manifests, less templates, less code!)
- As an example, we will use a community chart for Redis
- This will help people who write charts, and people who use them
- ... And potentially remove a lot of code! ✌️
## Redis in DockerCoins
- In the DockerCoins demo app, we have 5 components:
- 2 internal webservices
- 1 worker
- 1 public web UI
- 1 Redis data store
- Every component is running some custom code, except Redis
- Every component is using a custom image, except Redis
(which is using the official `redis` image)
- Could we use a standard chart for Redis?
- Yes! Dependencies to the rescue!
## Adding our dependency
- First, we will add the dependency to the `Chart.yaml` file
- Then, we will ask Helm to download that dependency
- We will also *lock* the dependency
(lock it to a specific version, to ensure reproducibility)
## Declaring the dependency
- First, let's edit `Chart.yaml`
- In `Chart.yaml`, fill the `dependencies` section:
- name: redis
version: 11.0.5
repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
condition: redis.enabled
Where do that `repository` and `version` come from?
We're assuming here that we did our research,
or that our resident Helm expert advised us to
use Bitnami's Redis chart.
## Conditions
- The `condition` field gives us a way to enable/disable the dependency:
conditions: redis.enabled
- Here, we can disable Redis with the Helm flag `--set redis.enabled=false`
(or set that value in a `values.yaml` file)
- Of course, this is mostly useful for *optional* dependencies
(otherwise, the app ends up being broken since it'll miss a component)
## Lock & Load!
- After adding the dependency, we ask Helm to pin an download it
- Ask Helm:
helm dependency update
(Or `helm dep up`)
- This wil create `Chart.lock` and fetch the dependency
## What's `Chart.lock`?
- This is a common pattern with dependencies
(see also: `Gemfile.lock`, `package.json.lock`, and many others)
- This lets us define loose dependencies in `Chart.yaml`
(e.g. "version 11.whatever, but below 12")
- But have the exact version used in `Chart.lock`
- This ensures reproducible deployments
- `Chart.lock` can (should!) be added to our source tree
- `Chart.lock` can (should!) regularly be updated
## Loose dependencies
- Here is an example of loose version requirement:
- name: redis
version: ">=11, <12"
repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
- This makes sure that we have the most recent version in the 11.x train
- ... But without upgrading to version 12.x
(because it might be incompatible)
## `build` vs `update`
- Helm actually offers two commands to manage dependencies:
`helm dependency build` = fetch dependencies listed in `Chart.lock`
`helm dependency update` = update `Chart.lock` (and run `build`)
- When the dependency gets updated, we can/should:
- `helm dep up` (update `Chart.lock` and fetch new chart)
- test!
- if everything is fine, `git add Chart.lock` and commit
## Where are my dependencies?
- Dependencies are downloaded to the `charts/` subdirectory
- When they're downloaded, they stay in compressed format (`.tgz`)
- Should we commit them to our code repository?
- Pros:
- more resilient to internet/mirror failures/decomissioning
- Cons:
- can add a lot of weight to the repo if charts are big or change often
- this can be solved by extra tools like git-lfs
## Dependency tuning
- DockerCoins expects the `redis` Service to be named `redis`
- Our Redis chart uses a different Service name by default
- Service name is `{{ template "redis.fullname" . }}-master`
- `redis.fullname` looks like this:
{{- define "redis.fullname" -}}
{{- if .Values.fullnameOverride -}}
{{- .Values.fullnameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
- How do we fix this?
## Setting dependency variables
- If we set `fullnameOverride` to `redis`:
- the `{{ template ... }}` block will output `redis`
- the Service name will be `redis-master`
- A parent chart can set values for its dependencies
- For example, in the parent's `values.yaml`:
redis: # Name of the dependency
fullnameOverride: redis # Value passed to redis
cluster: # Other values passed to redis
enabled: false
- User can also set variables with `--set=` or with `--values=`
class: extra-details
## Passing templates
- We can even pass template `{{ include "template.name" }}`, but warning:
- need to be evaluated with the `tpl` function, on the child side
- evaluated in the context of the child, with no access to parent variables
## Getting rid of the `-master`
- Even if we set that `fullnameOverride`, the Service name will be `redis-master`
- To remove the `-master` suffix, we need to edit the chart itself
- To edit the Redis chart, we need to *embed* it in our own chart
- We need to:
- decompress the chart
- adjust `Chart.yaml` accordingly
## Embedding a dependency
- Decompress the chart:
cd charts
tar zxf redis-*.tgz
cd ..
- Edit `Chart.yaml` and update the `dependencies` section:
- name: redis
version: '*' # No need to constraint version, from local files
- Run `helm dep update`
## Updating the dependency
- Now we can edit the Service name
(it should be in `charts/redis/templates/redis-master-svc.yaml`)
- Then try to deploy the whole chart!
## Embedding a dependency multiple times
- What if we need multiple copies of the same subchart?
(for instance, if we need two completely different Redis servers)
- We can declare a dependency multiple times, and specify an `alias`:
- name: redis
version: '*'
alias: querycache
- name: redis
version: '*'
alias: celeryqueue
- `.Chart.Name` will be set to the `alias`
class: extra-details
## Determining if we're in a subchart
- `.Chart.IsRoot` indicates if we're in the top-level chart or in a sub-chart
- Useful in charts that are designed to be used standalone or as dependencies
- Example: generic chart
- when used standalone (`.Chart.IsRoot` is `true`), use `.Release.Name`
- when used as a subchart e.g. with multiple aliases, use `.Chart.Name`
class: extra-details
## Compatibility with Helm 2
- Chart `apiVersion: v1` is the only version supported by Helm 2
- Chart v1 is also supported by Helm 3
- Use v1 if you want to be compatible with Helm 2
- Instead of `Chart.yaml`, dependencies are defined in `requirements.yaml`
(and we should commit `requirements.lock` instead of `Chart.lock`)
:EN:- Depending on other charts
:EN:- Charts within charts
:FR:- Dépendances entre charts
:FR:- Un chart peut en cacher un autre
class: pic
name: toc-helm-and-invalid-values
class: title
Helm and invalid values
[Previous part](#toc-charts-using-other-charts)
[Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2)
[Next part](#toc-helm-secrets)
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# Helm and invalid values
- A lot of Helm charts let us specify an image tag like this:
helm install ... --set image.tag=v1.0
- What happens if we make a small mistake, like this:
helm install ... --set imagetag=v1.0
- Or even, like this:
helm install ... --set image=v1.0
## Making mistakes
- In the first case:
- we set `imagetag=v1.0` instead of `image.tag=v1.0`
- Helm will ignore that value (if it's not used anywhere in templates)
- the chart is deployed with the default value instead
- In the second case:
- we set `image=v1.0` instead of `image.tag=v1.0`
- `image` will be a string instead of an object
- Helm will *probably* fail when trying to evaluate `image.tag`
## Preventing mistakes
- To prevent the first mistake, we need to tell Helm:
*"let me know if any additional (unknown) value was set!"*
- To prevent the second mistake, we need to tell Helm:
*"`image` should be an object, and `image.tag` should be a string!"*
- We can do this with *values schema validation*
## Helm values schema validation
- We can write a spec representing the possible values accepted by the chart
- Helm will check the validity of the values before trying to install/upgrade
- If it finds problems, it will stop immediately
- The spec uses [JSON Schema](https://json-schema.org/):
*JSON Schema is a vocabulary that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents.*
- JSON Schema is designed for JSON, but can easily work with YAML too
(or any language with `map|dict|associativearray` and `list|array|sequence|tuple`)
## In practice
- We need to put the JSON Schema spec in a file called `values.schema.json`
(at the root of our chart; right next to `values.yaml` etc.)
- The file is optional
- We don't need to register or declare it in `Chart.yaml` or anywhere
- Let's write a schema that will verify that ...
- `image.repository` is an official image (string without slashes or dots)
- `image.pullPolicy` can only be `Always`, `Never`, `IfNotPresent`
## `values.schema.json`
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/schema#",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"image": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repository": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[a-z0-9-_]+$"
"pullPolicy": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^(Always|Never|IfNotPresent)$"
## Testing our schema
- Let's try to install a couple releases with that schema!
- Try an invalid `pullPolicy`:
helm install broken --set image.pullPolicy=ShallNotPass
- Try an invalid value:
helm install should-break --set ImAgeTAg=toto
- The first one fails, but the second one still passes ...
- Why?
## Bailing out on unkown properties
- We told Helm what properties (values) were valid
- We didn't say what to do about additional (unknown) properties!
- We can fix that with `"additionalProperties": false`
- Edit `values.schema.json` to add `"additionalProperties": false`
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/schema#",
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"properties": {
## Testing with unknown properties
- Try to pass an extra property:
helm install should-break --set ImAgeTAg=toto
- Try to pass an extra nested property:
helm install does-it-work --set image.hello=world
The first command should break.
The second will not.
`"additionalProperties": false` needs to be specified at each level.
:EN:- Helm schema validation
:FR:- Validation de schema Helm
class: pic
name: toc-helm-secrets
class: title
Helm secrets
[Previous part](#toc-helm-and-invalid-values)
[Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2)
[Next part](#toc-exercise--umbrella-charts)
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# Helm secrets
- Helm can do *rollbacks*:
- to previously installed charts
- to previous sets of values
- How and where does it store the data needed to do that?
- Let's investigate!
## Adding the repo
- If you haven't done it before, you need to add the repo for that chart
- Add the repo that holds the chart for the OWASP Juice Shop:
helm repo add juice https://charts.securecodebox.io
## We need a release
- We need to install something with Helm
- Let's use the `juice/juice-shop` chart as an example
- Install a release called `orange` with the chart `juice/juice-shop`:
helm upgrade orange juice/juice-shop --install
- Let's upgrade that release, and change a value:
helm upgrade orange juice/juice-shop --set ingress.enabled=true
## Release history
- Helm stores successive revisions of each release
- View the history for that release:
helm history orange
Where does that come from?
## Investigate
- Possible options:
- local filesystem (no, because history is visible from other machines)
- persistent volumes (no, Helm works even without them)
- ConfigMaps, Secrets?
- Look for ConfigMaps and Secrets:
kubectl get configmaps,secrets
We should see a number of secrets with TYPE `helm.sh/release.v1`.
## Unpacking a secret
- Let's find out what is in these Helm secrets
- Examine the secret corresponding to the second release of `orange`:
kubectl describe secret sh.helm.release.v1.orange.v2
(`v1` is the secret format; `v2` means revision 2 of the `orange` release)
There is a key named `release`.
## Unpacking the release data
- Let's see what's in this `release` thing!
- Dump the secret:
kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.orange.v2 \
-o go-template='{{ .data.release }}'
Secrets are encoded in base64. We need to decode that!
## Decoding base64
- We can pipe the output through `base64 -d` or use go-template's `base64decode`
- Decode the secret:
kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.orange.v2 \
-o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode }}'
... Wait, this *still* looks like base64. What's going on?
Let's try one more round of decoding!
## Decoding harder
- Just add one more base64 decode filter
- Decode it twice:
kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.orange.v2 \
-o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}'
... OK, that was *a lot* of binary data. What should we do with it?
## Guessing data type
- We could use `file` to figure out the data type
- Pipe the decoded release through `file -`:
kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.orange.v2 \
-o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}' \
| file -
Gzipped data! It can be decoded with `gunzip -c`.
## Uncompressing the data
- Let's uncompress the data and save it to a file
- Rerun the previous command, but with `| gunzip -c > release-info` :
kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.orange.v2 \
-o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}' \
| gunzip -c > release-info
- Look at `release-info`:
cat release-info
It's a bundle of ~~YAML~~ JSON.
## Looking at the JSON
If we inspect that JSON (e.g. with `jq keys release-info`), we see:
- `chart` (contains the entire chart used for that release)
- `config` (contains the values that we've set)
- `info` (date of deployment, status messages)
- `manifest` (YAML generated from the templates)
- `name` (name of the release, so `orange`)
- `namespace` (namespace where we deployed the release)
- `version` (revision number within that release; starts at 1)
The chart is in a structured format, but it's entirely captured in this JSON.
## Conclusions
- Helm stores each release information in a Secret in the namespace of the release
- The secret is JSON object (gzipped and encoded in base64)
- It contains the manifests generated for that release
- ... And everything needed to rebuild these manifests
(including the full source of the chart, and the values used)
- This allows arbitrary rollbacks, as well as tweaking values even without having access to the source of the chart (or the chart repo) used for deployment
:EN:- Deep dive into Helm internals
:FR:- Fonctionnement interne de Helm
class: pic
name: toc-exercise--umbrella-charts
class: title
Exercise — Umbrella Charts
[Previous part](#toc-helm-secrets)
[Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2)
[Next part](#toc-managing-our-stack-with-helmfile)
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# Exercise — Umbrella Charts
- We want to deploy dockercoins with a single Helm chart
- That chart will reuse the "generic chart" created previously
- This will require expressing dependencies, and using the `alias` keyword
- It will also require minor changes in the templates
## Goal
- We want to be able to install a copy of dockercoins with:
helm install dockercoins ./umbrella-chart
- It should leverage the generic chart created earlier
(and instanciate it five times, one time per component of dockercoins)
- The values YAML files created earlier should be merged in a single one
## Bonus
- We want to replace our redis component with a better one
- We're going to use Bitnami's redis chart
(find it on the Artifact Hub)
- However, a lot of adjustments will be required!
(check following slides if you need hints)
## Hints (1/2)
- We will probably have to disable persistence
- by default, the chart enables persistence
- this works only if we have a default StorageClass
- this can be disabled by setting a value
- We will also have to disable authentication
- by default, the chart generates a password for Redis
- the dockercoins code doesn't use one
- this can also be changed by setting a value
## Hints (2/2)
- The dockercoins code connects to `redis`
- The chart generates different service names
- Option 1:
- vendor the chart in our umbrella chart
- change the service name in the chart
- Option 2:
- add a Service of type ExternalName
- it will be a DNS alias from `redis` to `redis-whatever.NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local`
- for extra points, make the domain configurable
class: pic
name: toc-managing-our-stack-with-helmfile
class: title
Managing our stack with `helmfile`
[Previous part](#toc-exercise--umbrella-charts)
[Back to table of contents](#toc-part-3)
[Next part](#toc-ytt)
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# Managing our stack with `helmfile`
- We've installed a few things with Helm
- And others with raw YAML manifests
- Perhaps you've used Kustomize sometimes
- How can we automate all this? Make it reproducible?
## Requirements
- We want something that is *idempotent*
= running it 1, 2, 3 times, should only install the stack once
- We want something that handles udpates
= modifying / reconfiguring without restarting from scratch
- We want something that is configurable
= with e.g. configuration files, environment variables...
- We want something that can handle *partial removals*
= ability to remove one element without affecting the rest
- Inspiration: Terraform, Docker Compose...
## Shell scripts?
✅ Idempotent, thanks to `kubectl apply -f`, `helm upgrade --install`
✅ Handles updates (edit script, re-run)
✅ Configurable
❌ Partial removals
If we remove an element from our script, it won't be uninstalled automatically.
## Umbrella chart?
Helm chart with dependencies on other charts.
✅ Idempotent
✅ Handles updates
✅ Configurable (with Helm values: YAML files and `--set`)
✅ Partial removals
❌ Complex (requires to learn advanced Helm features)
❌ Requires everything to be a Helm chart (adds (lots of) boilerplate)
## Helmfile
✅ Idempotent
✅ Handles updates
✅ Configurable (with values files, environment variables, and more)
✅ Partial removals
✅ Fairly easy to get started
🐙 Sometimes feels like summoning unspeakable powers / staring down the abyss
## What `helmfile` can install
- Helm charts from remote Helm repositories
- Helm charts from remote git repositories
- Helm charts from local directories
- Kustomizations
- Directories with raw YAML manifests
## How `helmfile` works
- Everything is defined in a main `helmfile.yaml`
- That file defines:
- `repositories` (remote Helm repositories)
- `releases` (things to install: Charts, YAML...)
- `environments` (optional: to specialize prod vs staging vs ...)
- Helm-style values file can be loaded in `enviroments`
- These values can then be used in the rest of the Helmfile
- Examples: [install essentials on a cluster][helmfile-ex-1], [run a Bento stack][helmfile-ex-2]
[helmfile-ex-1]: https://github.com/jpetazzo/beyond-load-balancers/blob/main/helmfile.yaml
[helmfile-ex-2]: https://github.com/jpetazzo/beyond-load-balancers/blob/main/bento/helmfile.yaml
## `helmfile` commands
- `helmfile init` (optional; downloads plugins if needed)
- `helmfile apply` (updates all releases that have changed)
- `helmfile sync` (updates all releases even if they haven't changed)
- `helmfile destroy` (guess!)
## Helmfile tips
As seen in [this example](https://github.com/jpetazzo/beyond-load-balancers/blob/main/bento/helmfile.yaml#L21):
- variables can be used to simplify the file
- configuration values and secrets can be loaded from external sources
(Kubernetes Secrets, Vault... See [vals] for details)
- current namespace isn't exposed by default
- there's often more than one way to do it!
(this particular section could be improved by using Bento `${...}`)
[vals]: https://github.com/helmfile/vals
## 🏗️ Let's build something!
- Write a helmfile (or two) to set up today's entire stack on a brand new cluster!
- Suggestion:
- one helmfile for singleton, cluster components
(All our operators: Prometheus, Grafana, KEDA, CNPG, RabbitMQ Operator)
- one helmfile for the application stack
(Bento, PostgreSQL cluster, RabbitMQ)
class: pic
name: toc-ytt
class: title
[Previous part](#toc-managing-our-stack-with-helmfile)
[Back to table of contents](#toc-part-3)
[Next part](#toc-git-based-workflows-gitops)
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- YAML Templating Tool
- Part of [Carvel]
(a set of tools for Kubernetes application building, configuration, and deployment)
- Can be used for any YAML
(Kubernetes, Compose, CI pipelines...)
[Carvel]: https://carvel.dev/
## Features
- Manipulate data structures, not text (≠ Helm)
- Deterministic, hermetic execution
- Define variables, blocks, functions
- Write code in Starlark (dialect of Python)
- Define and override values (Helm-style)
- Patch resources arbitrarily (Kustomize-style)
## Getting started
- Install `ytt` ([binary download][download])
- Start with one (or multiple) Kubernetes YAML files
*(without comments; no `#` allowed at this point!)*
- `ytt -f one.yaml -f two.yaml | kubectl apply -f-`
- `ytt -f. | kubectl apply -f-`
[download]: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-ytt/releases/latest
## No comments?!?
- Replace `#` with `#!`
- `#@` is used by ytt
- It's a kind of template tag, for instance:
#! This is a comment
#@ a = 42
#@ b = "*"
a: #@ a
b: #@ b
operation: multiply
result: #@ a*b
- `#@` at the beginning of a line = instruction
- `#@` somewhere else = value
## Building strings
- Concatenation:
#@ repository = "dockercoins"
#@ tag = "v0.1"
- name: worker
image: #@ repository + "/worker:" + tag
- Formatting:
#@ repository = "dockercoins"
#@ tag = "v0.1"
- name: worker
image: #@ "{}/worker:{}".format(repository, tag)
## Defining functions
- Reusable functions can be written in Starlark (=Python)
- Blocks (`def`, `if`, `for`...) must be terminated with `#@ end`
- Example:
#@ def image(component, repository="dockercoins", tag="v0.1"):
#@ return "{}/{}:{}".format(repository, component, tag)
#@ end
- name: worker
image: #@ image("worker")
- name: hasher
image: #@ image("hasher")
## Structured data
- Functions can return complex types
- Example: defining a common set of labels
#@ name = "worker"
#@ def labels(component):
#@ return {
#@ "app": component,
#@ "container.training/generated-by": "ytt",
#@ }
#@ end
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: #@ name
labels: #@ labels(name)
## YAML functions
- Function body can also be straight YAML:
#@ name = "worker"
#@ def labels(component):
app: #@ component
container.training/generated-by: ytt
#@ end
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: #@ name
labels: #@ labels(name)
- The return type of the function is then a [YAML fragment][fragment]
[fragment]: https://carvel.dev/ytt/docs/v0.41.0/
## More YAML functions
- We can load library functions:
#@ load("@ytt:sha256", "sha256")
- This is (sort of) equivalent fo `from ytt.sha256 import sha256`
- Functions can contain a mix of code and YAML fragment:
#@ load("@ytt:sha256", "sha256")
#@ def annotations():
#@ author = "Jérôme Petazzoni"
author: #@ author
author_hash: #@ sha256.sum(author)[:8]
#@ end
annotations: #@ annotations()
## Data values
- We can define a *schema* in a separate file:
--- #! there must be a "---" here!
repository: dockercoins
tag: v0.1
- This defines the data values (=customizable parameters),
as well as their *types* and *default values*
- Technically, `#@data/values-schema` is an annotation,
and it applies to a YAML document; so the following
element must be a YAML document
- This is conceptually similar to Helm's *values* file
(but with type enforcement as a bonus)
## Using data values
- Requires loading `@ytt:data`
- Values are then available in `data.values`
- Example:
#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
#@ def image(component):
#@ return "{}/{}:{}".format(data.values.repository, component, data.values.tag)
#@ end
#@ name = "worker"
- name: #@ name
image: #@ image(name)
## Overriding data values
- There are many ways to set and override data values:
- plain YAML files
- data value overlays
- environment variables
- command-line flags
- Precedence of the different methods is defined in the [docs][data-values-merge-order]
[data-values-merge-order]: https://carvel.dev/ytt/docs/v0.41.0/ytt-data-values/#data-values-merge-order
## Values in plain YAML files
- Content of `values.yaml`:
tag: latest
- Values get merged with `--data-values-file`:
ytt -f config/ --data-values-file values.yaml
- Multiple files can be specified
- These files can also be URLs!
## Data value overlay
- Content of `values.yaml`:
--- #! must have --- here
tag: latest
- Values get merged by being specified like "normal" files:
ytt -f config/ -f values.yaml
- Multiple files can be specified
## Set a value with a flag
- Set a string value:
ytt -f config/ --data-value tag=latest
- Set a YAML value (useful to parse it as e.g. integer, boolean...):
ytt -f config/ --data-value-yaml replicas=10
- Read a string value from a file:
ytt -f config/ --data-value-file ca_cert=cert.pem
## Set values from environment variables
- Set environment variables with a prefix:
export VAL_tag=latest
export VAL_repository=ghcr.io/dockercoins
- Use the variables as strings:
ytt -f config/ --data-values-env VAL
- Or parse them as YAML:
ytt -f config/ --data-values-env-yaml VAL
## Lines starting with `#@`
- This generates an empty document:
#@ def hello():
hello: world
#@ end
#@ hello()
- Do this instead:
#@ def hello():
hello: world
#@ end
--- #@ hello()
## Generating multiple documents, take 1
- This won't work:
#@ def app():
kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
--- #! separate from next document
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
#@ end
--- #@ app()
## Generating multiple documents, take 2
- This won't work either:
#@ def app():
--- #! the initial separator indicates "this is a Document Set"
kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
--- #! separate from next document
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
#@ end
--- #@ app()
## Generating multiple documents, take 3
- We must use the `template` module:
#@ load("@ytt:template", "template")
#@ def app():
--- #! the initial separator indicates "this is a Document Set"
kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
--- #! separate from next document
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
#@ end
--- #@ template.replace(app())
- `template.replace(...)` is the only way (?) to replace one element with many
## Libraries
- A reusable ytt configuration can be transformed into a library
- Put it in a subdirectory named `_ytt_lib/whatever`, then:
#@ load("@ytt:library", "library")
#@ load("@ytt:template", "template")
#@ whatever = library.get("whatever")
#@ my_values = {"tag": "latest", "registry": "..."}
#@ output = whatever.with_data_values(my_values).eval()
--- #@ template.replace(output)
- The `with_data_values()` step is optional, but useful to "configure" the library
- Note the whole combo:
## Overlays
- Powerful, but complex, but powerful! 💥
- Define transformations that are applied after generating the whole document set
- General idea:
- select YAML nodes to be transformed with an `#@overlay/match` decorator
- write a YAML snippet with the modifications to be applied
(a bit like a strategic merge patch)
## Example
#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@ selector = {"kind": "Deployment", "metadata": {"name": "worker"}}
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset(selector)
replicas: 10
- By default, `#@overlay/match` must find *exactly* one match
(that can be changed by specifying `expects=...`, `missing_ok=True`... see [docs][docs-ytt-overlaymatch])
- By default, the specified fields (here, `spec.replicas`) must exist
(that can also be changed by annotating the optional fields)
[docs-ytt-overlaymatch]: https://carvel.dev/ytt/docs/v0.41.0/lang-ref-ytt-overlay/#overlaymatch
## Matching using a YAML document
#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@ def match():
kind: Deployment
name: worker
#@ end
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset(match())
replicas: 10
- This is equivalent to the subset match of the previous slide
- It will find YAML nodes having all the listed fields
## Removing a field
#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@ def match():
kind: Deployment
name: worker
#@ end
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset(match())
- This would remove the `replicas:` field from a specific Deployment spec
- This could be used e.g. when enabling autoscaling
## Selecting multiple nodes
#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@ def match():
kind: Deployment
#@ end
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset(match()), expects="1+"
- This would match all Deployments
(assuming that *at least one* exists)
- It would remove the `replicas:` field from their spec
(the field must exist!)
## Adding a field
#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@overlay/match by=overlay.all, expects="1+"
#@overlay/match missing_ok=True
#@overlay/match expects=0
rainbow: 🌈
- `#@overlay/match missing_ok=True`
*will match whether our resources already have annotations or not*
- `#@overlay/match expects=0`
*will only match if the `rainbow` annotation doesn't exist*
*(to make sure that we don't override/replace an existing annotation)*
## Overlays vs data values
- The documentation has a [detailed discussion][data-values-vs-overlays] about this question
- In short:
- values = for parameters that are exposed to the user
- overlays = for arbitrary extra modifications
- Values are easier to use (use them when possible!)
- Fallback to overlays when values don't expose what you need
(keeping in mind that overlays are harder to write/understand/maintain)
[data-values-vs-overlays]: https://carvel.dev/ytt/docs/v0.41.0/data-values-vs-overlays/
## Gotchas
- Reminder: put your `#@` at the right place!
#! This will generate "hello, world!"
--- #@ "{}, {}!".format("hello", "world")
#! But this will generate an empty document
#@ "{}, {}!".format("hello", "world")
- Also, don't use YAML anchors (`*foo` and `&foo`)
- They don't mix well with ytt
- Remember to use `template.render(...)` when generating multiple nodes
(or to update lists or arrays without replacing them entirely)
## Next steps with ytt
- Read this documentation page about [injecting secrets][secrets]
- Check the [FAQ], it gives some insights about what's possible with ytt
- Exercise idea: write an overlay that will find all ConfigMaps mounted in Pods...
...and annotate the Pod with a hash of the ConfigMap
[FAQ]: https://carvel.dev/ytt/docs/v0.41.0/faq/
[secrets]: https://carvel.dev/ytt/docs/v0.41.0/injecting-secrets/
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name: toc-git-based-workflows-gitops
class: title
Git-based workflows (GitOps)
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# Git-based workflows (GitOps)
- Deploying with `kubectl` has downsides:
- we don't know *who* deployed *what* and *when*
- there is no audit trail (except the API server logs)
- there is no easy way to undo most operations
- there is no review/approval process (like for code reviews)
- We have all these things for *code*, though
- Can we manage cluster state like we manage our source code?
## Reminder: Kubernetes is *declarative*
- All we do is create/change resources
- These resources have a perfect YAML representation
- All we do is manipulate these YAML representations
(`kubectl run` generates a YAML file that gets applied)
- We can store these YAML representations in a code repository
- We can version that code repository and maintain it with best practices
- define which branch(es) can go to qa/staging/production
- control who can push to which branches
- have formal review processes, pull requests, test gates...
## Enabling git-based workflows
- There are a many tools out there to help us do that; with different approaches
- "Git host centric" approach: GitHub Actions, GitLab...
*the workflows/action are directly initiated by the git platform*
- "Kubernetes cluster centric" approach: [ArgoCD], [FluxCD]..
*controllers run on our clusters and trigger on repo updates*
- This is not an exhaustive list (see also: Jenkins)
- We're going to talk mostly about "Kubernetes cluster centric" approaches here
[ArgoCD]: https://argoproj.github.io/cd/
[Flux]: https://fluxcd.io/
## The road to production
In no specific order, we need to at least:
- Choose a tool
- Choose a cluster / app / namespace layout
(one cluster per app, different clusters for prod/staging...)
- Choose a repository layout
(different repositories, directories, branches per app, env, cluster...)
- Choose an installation / bootstrap method
- Choose how new apps / environments / versions will be deployed
- Choose how new images will be built
## Flux vs ArgoCD (1/2)
- Flux:
- fancy setup with an (optional) dedicated `flux bootstrap` command
(with support for specific git providers, repo creation...)
- deploying an app requires multiple CRDs
(Kustomization, HelmRelease, GitRepository...)
- supports Helm charts, Kustomize, raw YAML
- ArgoCD:
- simple setup (just apply YAMLs / install Helm chart)
- fewer CRDs (basic workflow can be implement with a single "Application" resource)
- supports Helm charts, Jsonnet, Kustomize, raw YAML, and arbitrary plugins
## Flux vs ArgoCD (2/2)
- Flux:
- sync interval is configurable per app
- no web UI out of the box
- CLI relies on Kubernetes API access
- CLI can easily generate custom resource manifests (with `--export`)
- self-hosted (flux controllers are managed by flux itself by default)
- one flux instance manages a single cluster
- ArgoCD:
- sync interval is configured globally
- comes with a web UI
- CLI can use Kubernetes API or separate API and authentication system
- one ArgoCD instance can manage multiple clusters
## Cluster, app, namespace layout
- One cluster per app, different namespaces for environments?
- One cluster per environment, different namespaces for apps?
- Everything on a single cluster? One cluster per combination?
- Something in between:
- prod cluster, database cluster, dev/staging/etc cluster
- prod+db cluster per app, shared dev/staging/etc cluster
- And more!
Note: this decision isn't really tied to GitOps!
## Repository layout
So many different possibilities!
- Source repos
- Cluster/infra repos/branches/directories
- "Deployment" repos (with manifests, charts)
- Different repos/branches/directories for environments
🤔 How to decide?
## Permissions
- Different teams/companies = different repos
- separate platform team → separate "infra" vs "apps" repos
- teams working on different apps → different repos per app
- Branches can be "protected" (`production`, `main`...)
(don't need separate repos for separate environments)
- Directories will typically have the same permissions
- Managing directories is easier than branches
- But branches are more "powerful" (cherrypicking, rebasing...)
## Resource hierarchy
- Git-based deployments are managed by Kubernetes resources
(e.g. Kustomization, HelmRelease with Flux; Application with ArgoCD)
- We will call these resources "GitOps resources"
- These resources need to be managed like any other Kubernetes resource
(YAML manifests, Kustomizations, Helm charts)
- They can be managed with Git workflows too!
## Cluster / infra management
- How do we provision clusters?
- Manual "one-shot" provisioning (CLI, web UI...)
- Automation with Terraform, Ansible...
- Kubernetes-driven systems (Crossplane, CAPI)
- Infrastructure can also be managed with GitOps
## Example 1
- Managed with YAML/Charts:
- core components (CNI, CSI, Ingress, logging, monitoring...)
- GitOps controllers
- critical application foundations (database operator, databases)
- GitOps manifests
- Managed with GitOps:
- applications
- staging databases
## Example 2
- Managed with YAML/Charts:
- essential components (CNI, CoreDNS)
- initial installation of GitOps controllers
- Managed with GitOps:
- upgrades of GitOps controllers
- core components (CSI, Ingress, logging, monitoring...)
- operators, databases
- more GitOps manifests for applications!
## Concrete example
- Source code repository (not shown here)
- Infrastructure repository (shown below), single branch
├── charts/ <--- could also be in separate app repos
│ ├── dockercoins/
│ └── color/
├── apps/ <--- YAML manifests for GitOps resources
│ ├── dockercoins/ (might reference the "charts" above,
│ ├── blue/ and/or include environment-specific
│ ├── green/ manifests to create e.g. namespaces,
│ ├── kube-prometheus-stack/ configmaps, secrets...)
│ ├── cert-manager/
│ └── traefik/
└── clusters/ <--- per-cluster; will typically reference
├── prod/ the "apps" above, possibly extending
└── dev/ or adding configuration resources too
:EN:- GitOps
:FR:- GitOps
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name: toc-fluxcd
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# FluxCD
- We're going to implement a basic GitOps workflow with Flux
- Pushing to `main` will automatically deploy to the clusters
- There will be two clusters (`dev` and `prod`)
- The two clusters will have similar (but slightly different) workloads
## Repository structure
This is (approximately) what we're going to do:
├── charts/ <--- could also be in separate app repos
│ ├── dockercoins/
│ └── color/
├── apps/ <--- YAML manifests for GitOps resources
│ ├── dockercoins/ (might reference the "charts" above,
│ ├── blue/ and/or include environment-specific
│ ├── green/ manifests to create e.g. namespaces,
│ ├── kube-prometheus-stack/ configmaps, secrets...)
│ ├── cert-manager/
│ └── traefik/
└── clusters/ <--- per-cluster; will typically reference
├── prod/ the "apps" above, possibly extending
└── dev/ or adding configuration resources too
## Resource graph
flowchart TD
(Helm chart)"]
(Helm chart)"]
(HelmRelease + Kustomization)"]
C/D --> A/B
C/D --> A/D
C/D --> A/G
C/P --> A/D
C/P --> A/G
C/P --> A/T
C/P --> A/CM
C/P --> A/P
A/D --> H/D
A/B --> H/C
A/G --> H/C
A/P --> CHARTS & PV["apps/kube-prometheus-stack/manifests/configmap.yaml
(Helm values)"]
CHARTS["Charts on external repos"]
## Getting ready
- Let's make sure we have two clusters
- It's OK to use local clusters (kind, minikube...)
- We might run into resource limits, though
(pay attention to `Pending` pods!)
- We need to install the Flux CLI ([packages], [binaries])
- **Highly recommended:** set up CLI completion!
- Of course we'll need a Git service, too
(we're going to use GitHub here)
[packages]: https://fluxcd.io/flux/get-started/
[binaries]: https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/releases
## GitHub setup
- Generate a GitHub token:
- Give it "repo" access
- This token will be used by the `flux bootstrap github` command later
- It will create a repository and configure it (SSH key...)
- The token can be revoked afterwards
## Flux bootstrap
- Let's set a few variables for convenience, and create our repository:
export GITHUB_TOKEN=...
export GITHUB_USER=changeme
export GITHUB_REPO=alsochangeme
export FLUX_CLUSTER=dev
flux bootstrap github \
--owner=$GITHUB_USER \
--repository=$GITHUB_REPO \
--branch=main \
--path=./clusters/$FLUX_CLUSTER \
--personal --private=false
Problems? check next slide!
## What could go wrong?
- `flux bootstrap` will create or update the repository on GitHub
- Then it will install Flux controllers to our cluster
- Then it waits for these controllers to be up and running and ready
- Check pod status in `flux-system`
- If pods are `Pending`, check that you have enough resources on your cluster
- For testing purposes, it should be fine to lower or remove Flux `requests`!
(but don't do that in production!)
- If anything goes wrong, don't worry, we can just re-run the bootstrap
class: extra-details
## Idempotence
- It's OK to run that same `flux bootstrap` command multiple times!
- If the repository already exists, it will re-use it
(it won't destroy or empty it)
- If the path `./clusters/$FLUX_CLUSTER` already exists, it will update it
- It's totally fine to re-run `flux bootstrap` if something fails
- It's totally fine to run it multiple times on different clusters
- Or even to run it multiple times for the *same* cluster
(to reinstall Flux on that cluster after a cluster wipe / reinstall)
## What do we get?
- Let's look at what `flux bootstrap` installed on the cluster
- Look inside the `flux-system` namespace:
kubectl get all --namespace flux-system
- Look at `kustomizations` custom resources:
kubectl get kustomizations --all-namespaces
- See what the `flux` CLI tells us:
flux get all
## Deploying with GitOps
- We'll need to add/edit files on the repository
- We can do it by using `git clone`, local edits, `git commit`, `git push`
- Or by editing online on the GitHub website
- Create a manifest; for instance `clusters/dev/flux-system/blue.yaml`
- Add that manifest to `clusters/dev/kustomization.yaml`
- Commit and push both changes to the repository
## Waiting for reconciliation
- Compare the git hash that we pushed and the one shown with `kubectl get `
- Option 1: wait for Flux to pick up the changes in the repository
(the default interval for git repositories is 1 minute, so that's fast)
- Option 2: use `flux reconcile source git flux-system`
(this puts an annotation on the appropriate resource, triggering an immediate check)
- Option 3: set up receiver webhooks
(so that git updates trigger immediate reconciliation)
## Checking progress
- `flux logs`
- `kubectl get gitrepositories --all-namespaces`
- `kubectl get kustomizations --all-namespaces`
## Did it work?
- No!
- Why?
- We need to indicate the namespace where the app should be deployed
- Either in the YAML manifests
- Or in the `kustomization` custom resource
(using field `spec.targetNamespace`)
- Add the namespace to the manifest and try again!
## Adding an app in a reusable way
- Let's see a technique to add a whole app
(with multiple resource manifets)
- We want to minimize code repetition
(i.e. easy to add on multiple clusters with minimal changes)
## The plan
- Add the app manifests in a directory
(e.g.: `apps/myappname/manifests`)
- Create a kustomization manifest for the app and its namespace
(e.g.: `apps/myappname/flux.yaml`)
- The kustomization manifest will refer to the app manifest
- Add the kustomization manifest to the top-level `flux-system` kustomization
## Creating the manifests
- All commands below should be executed at the root of the repository
- Put application manifests in their directory:
mkdir -p apps/dockercoins/manifests
cp ~/container.training/k8s/dockercoins.yaml apps/dockercoins/manifests
- Create kustomization manifest:
flux create kustomization dockercoins \
--source=GitRepository/flux-system \
--path=./apps/dockercoins/manifests/ \
--target-namespace=dockercoins \
--prune=true --export > apps/dockercoins/flux.yaml
## Creating the target namespace
- When deploying *helm releases*, it is possible to automatically create the namespace
- When deploying *kustomizations*, we need to create it explicitly
- Let's put the namespace with the kustomization manifest
(so that the whole app can be mediated through a single manifest)
- Add the target namespace to the kustomization manifest:
echo "---
kind: Namespace
apiVersion: v1
name: dockercoins" >> apps/dockercoins/flux.yaml
## Linking the kustomization manifest
- Edit `clusters/dev/flux-system/kustomization.yaml`
- Add a line to reference the kustomization manifest that we created:
- ../../../apps/dockercoins/flux.yaml
- `git add` our manifests, `git commit`, `git push`
(check with `git status` that we haven't forgotten anything!)
- `flux reconcile` or wait for the changes to be picked up
## Installing with Helm
- We're going to see two different workflows:
- installing a third-party chart
(e.g. something we found on the Artifact Hub)
- installing one of our own charts
(e.g. a chart we authored ourselves)
- The procedures are very similar
## Installing from a public Helm repository
- Let's install [kube-prometheus-stack][kps]
- Create the Flux manifests:
mkdir -p apps/kube-prometheus-stack
flux create source helm kube-prometheus-stack \
--url=https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts \
--export >> apps/kube-prometheus-stack/flux.yaml
flux create helmrelease kube-prometheus-stack \
--source=HelmRepository/kube-prometheus-stack \
--chart=kube-prometheus-stack --release-name=kube-prometheus-stack \
--target-namespace=kube-prometheus-stack --create-target-namespace \
--export >> apps/kube-prometheus-stack/flux.yaml
[kps]: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack
## Enable the app
- Just like before, link the manifest from the top-level kustomization
(`flux-system` in namespace `flux-system`)
- `git add` / `git commit` / `git push`
- We should now have a Prometheus+Grafana observability stack!
## Installing from a Helm chart in a git repo
- In this example, the chart will be in the same repo
- In the real world, it will typically be in a different repo!
- Generate a basic Helm chart:
mkdir -p charts
helm create charts/myapp
(This generates a chart which installs NGINX. A lot of things can be customized, though.)
## Creating the Flux manifests
- The invocation is very similar to our first example
- Generate the Flux manifest for the Helm release:
mkdir apps/myapp
flux create helmrelease myapp \
--source=GitRepository/flux-system \
--chart=charts/myapp \
--target-namespace=myapp --create-target-namespace \
--export > apps/myapp/flux.yaml
- Add a reference to that manifest to the top-level kustomization
- `git add` / `git commit` / `git push` the chart, manifest, and kustomization
## Passing values
- We can also configure our Helm releases with values
- Using an existing `myvalues.yaml` file:
`flux create helmrelease ... --values=myvalues.yaml`
- Referencing an existing ConfigMap or Secret with a `values.yaml` key:
`flux create helmrelease ... --values-from=ConfigMap/myapp`
- The ConfigMap or Secret must be in the same Namespace as the HelmRelease
(not the target namespace of that HelmRelease!)
## Gotchas
- When creating a HelmRelease using a chart stored in a git repository, you must:
- either bump the chart version (in `Chart.yaml`) after each change,
- or set `spec.chart.spec.reconcileStrategy` to `Revision`
- Why?
- Flux installs helm releases using packaged artifacts
- Artifacts are updated only when the Helm chart version changes
- Unless `reconcileStrategy` is set to `Revision` (instead of the default `ChartVersion`)
## More gotchas
- There is a bug in Flux that prevents using identical subcharts with aliases
- See [fluxcd/flux2#2505][flux2505] for details
[flux2505]: https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/discussions/2505
## Things that we didn't talk about...
- Bucket sources
- Image automation controller
- Image reflector controller
- And more!
:EN:- Implementing gitops with Flux
:FR:- Workflow gitops avec Flux
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name: toc-argocd
class: title
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# ArgoCD
- We're going to implement a basic GitOps workflow with ArgoCD
- Pushing to the default branch will automatically deploy to our clusters
- There will be two clusters (`dev` and `prod`)
- The two clusters will have similar (but slightly different) workloads

## ArgoCD concepts
ArgoCD manages **applications** by **syncing** their **live state** with their **target state**.
- **Application**: a group of Kubernetes resources managed by ArgoCD.
Also a custom resource (`kind: Application`) managing that group of resources.
- **Application source type**: the **Tool** used to build the application (Kustomize, Helm...)
- **Target state**: the desired state of an **application**, as represented by the git repository.
- **Live state**: the current state of the application on the cluster.
- **Sync status**: whether or not the live state matches the target state.
- **Sync**: the process of making an application move to its target state.
(e.g. by applying changes to a Kubernetes cluster)
(Check [ArgoCD core concepts](https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/core_concepts/) for more definitions!)
## Getting ready
- Let's make sure we have two clusters
- It's OK to use local clusters (kind, minikube...)
- We need to install the ArgoCD CLI ([argocd-packages], [argocd-binaries])
- **Highly recommended:** set up CLI completion!
- Of course we'll need a Git service, too
## Setting up ArgoCD
- The easiest way is to use upstream YAML manifests
- There is also a [Helm chart][argocd-helmchart] if we need more customization
- Create a namespace for ArgoCD and install it there:
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply --namespace argocd -f \
## Logging in with the ArgoCD CLI
- The CLI can talk to the ArgoCD API server or to the Kubernetes API server
- For simplicity, we're going to authenticate and communicate with the Kubernetes API
- Authenticate with the ArgoCD API (that's what the `--core` flag does):
argocd login --core
- Check that everything is fine:
argocd version
🤔 `FATA[0000] error retrieving argocd-cm: configmap "argocd-cm" not found`
## ArgoCD CLI shortcomings
- When using "core" authentication, the ArgoCD CLI uses our current Kubernetes context
(as defined in our kubeconfig file)
- That context need to point to the correct namespace
(the namespace where we installed ArgoCD)
- In fact, `argocd login --core` doesn't communicate at all with ArgoCD!
(it only updates a local ArgoCD configuration file)
## Trying again in the right namespace
- We will need to run all `argocd` commands in the `argocd` namespace
(this limitation only applies to "core" authentication; see [issue 14167][issue14167])
- Switch to the `argocd` namespace:
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace argocd
- Check that we can communicate with the ArgoCD API now:
argocd version
- Let's have a look at ArgoCD architecture!
class: pic

## ArgoCD API Server
The API server is a gRPC/REST server which exposes the API consumed by the Web UI, CLI, and CI/CD systems. It has the following responsibilities:
- application management and status reporting
- invoking of application operations (e.g. sync, rollback, user-defined actions)
- repository and cluster credential management (stored as K8s secrets)
- authentication and auth delegation to external identity providers
- RBAC enforcement
- listener/forwarder for Git webhook events
## ArgoCD Repository Server
The repository server is an internal service which maintains a local cache of the Git repositories holding the application manifests. It is responsible for generating and returning the Kubernetes manifests when provided the following inputs:
- repository URL
- revision (commit, tag, branch)
- application path
- template specific settings: parameters, helm values...
## ArgoCD Application Controller
The application controller is a Kubernetes controller which continuously monitors running applications and compares the current, live state against the desired target state (as specified in the repo).
It detects *OutOfSync* application state and optionally takes corrective action.
It is responsible for invoking any user-defined hooks for lifecycle events (*PreSync, Sync, PostSync*).
## Preparing a repository for ArgoCD
- We need a repository with Kubernetes YAML manifests
- You can fork [kubercoins] or create a new, empty repository
- If you create a new, empty repository, add some manifests to it
## Add an Application
- An Application can be added to ArgoCD via the web UI or the CLI
(either way, this will create a custom resource of `kind: Application`)
- The Application should then automatically be deployed to our cluster
(the application manifests will be "applied" to the cluster)
- Let's use the CLI to add an Application:
argocd app create kubercoins \
--repo https://github.com/`/`.git \
--path . --revision `` \
--dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
--dest-namespace kubercoins-prod
## Checking progress
- We can see sync status in the web UI or with the CLI
- Let's check app status with the CLI:
argocd app list
- We can also check directly with the Kubernetes CLI:
kubectl get applications
- The app is there and it is `OutOfSync`!
## Manual sync with the CLI
- By default the "sync policy" is `manual`
- It can also be set to `auto`, which would check the git repository every 3 minutes
(this interval can be [configured globally][pollinginterval])
- Manual sync can be triggered with the CLI
- Let's force an immediate sync of our app:
argocd app sync kubercoins
🤔 We're getting errors!
## Sync failed
We should receive a failure:
`FATA[0000] Operation has completed with phase: Failed`
And in the output, we see more details:
`Message: one or more objects failed to apply,`
`reason: namespaces "kubercoins-prod" not found`
## Creating the namespace
- There are multiple ways to achieve that
- We could generate a YAML manifest for the namespace and add it to the git repository
- Or we could use "Sync Options" so that ArgoCD creates it automatically!
- ArgoCD provides many "Sync Options" to handle various edge cases
- Some [others](https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user-guide/sync-options/) are: `FailOnSharedResource`, `PruneLast`, `PrunePropagationPolicy`...
## Editing the app's sync options
- This can be done through the web UI or the CLI
- Let's use the CLI once again:
argocd app edit kubercoins
- Add the following to the YAML manifest, at the root level:
- CreateNamespace=true
## Sync again
- Let's retry the sync operation:
argocd app sync kubercoins
- And check the application status:
argocd app list
kubectl get applications
- It should show `Synced` and `Progressing`
- After a while (when all pods are running correctly) it should be `Healthy`
## Managing Applications via the Web UI
- ArgoCD is popular in large part due to its browser-based UI
- Let's see how to manage Applications in the web UI
- Expose the web dashboard on a local port:
argocd admin dashboard
- This command will show the dashboard URL; open it in a browser
- Authentication should be automatic
Note: `argocd admin dashboard` is similar to `kubectl port-forward` or `kubectl-proxy`.
(The dashboard remains available as long as `argocd admin dashboard` is running.)
## Adding a staging Application
- Let's add another Application for a staging environment
- First, create a new branch (e.g. `staging`) in our kubercoins fork
- Then, in the ArgoCD web UI, click on the "+ NEW APP" button
(on a narrow display, it might just be "+", right next to buttons looking like 🔄 and ↩️)
- See next slides for details about that form!
## Defining the Application
| Field | Value |
| Application Name | `kubercoins-stg` |
| Project Name | `default` |
| Sync policy | `Manual` |
| Sync options | check `auto-create namespace` |
| Repository URL | `https://github.com//` |
| Revision | `` |
| Path | `.` |
| Cluster URL | `https://kubernetes.default.svc` |
| Namespace | `kubercoins-stg` |
Then click on the "CREATE" button (top left).
## Synchronizing the Application
- After creating the app, it should now show up in the app tiles
(with a yellow outline to indicate that it's out of sync)
- Click on the "SYNC" button on the app tile to show the sync panel
- In the sync panel, click on "SYNCHRONIZE"
- The app will start to synchronize, and should become healthy after a little while
## Making changes
- Let's make changes to our application manifests and see what happens
- Make a change to a manifest
(for instance, change the number of replicas of a Deployment)
- Commit that change and push it to the staging branch
- Check the application sync status:
argocd app list
- After a short period of time (a few minutes max) the app should show up "out of sync"
## Automated synchronization
- We don't want to manually sync after every change
(that wouldn't be true continuous deployment!)
- We're going to enable "auto sync"
- Note that this requires much more rigorous testing and observability!
(we need to be sure that our changes won't crash our app or even our cluster)
- Argo project also provides [Argo Rollouts][rollouts]
(a controller and CRDs to provide blue-green, canary deployments...)
- Today we'll just turn on automated sync for the staging namespace
## Enabling auto-sync
- In the web UI, go to *Applications* and click on *kubercoins-stg*
- Click on the "DETAILS" button (top left, might be just a "i" sign on narrow displays)
- Click on "ENABLE AUTO-SYNC" (under "SYNC POLICY")
- After a few minutes the changes should show up!
## Rolling back
- If we deploy a broken version, how do we recover?
- "The GitOps way": revert the changes in source control
(see next slide)
- Emergency rollback:
- disable auto-sync (if it was enabled)
- on the app page, click on "HISTORY AND ROLLBACK"
(with the clock-with-backward-arrow icon)
- click on the "..." button next to the button we want to roll back to
- click "Rollback" and confirm
## Rolling back with GitOps
- The correct way to roll back is rolling back the code in source control
git checkout staging
git revert HEAD
git push origin staging
## Working with Helm
- ArgoCD supports different tools to process Kubernetes manifests:
Kustomize, Helm, Jsonnet, and [Config Management Plugins][cmp]
- Let's how to deploy Helm charts with ArgoCD!
- In the [kubercoins] repository, there is a branch called [helm-branch]
- It provides a generic Helm chart, in the [generic-service] directory
- There are service-specific values YAML files in the [values] directory
- Let's create one application for each of the 5 components of our app!
## Creating a Helm Application
- The example below uses "upstream" kubercoins
- Feel free to use your own fork instead!
- Create an Application for `hasher`:
argocd app create hasher \
--repo https://github.com/jpetazzo/kubercoins.git \
--path generic-service --revision helm \
--dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
--dest-namespace kubercoins-helm \
--sync-option CreateNamespace=true \
--values ../values/hasher.yaml \
## Deploying the rest of the application
- Option 1: repeat the previous command (updating app name and values)
- Option 2: author YAML manifests and apply them
## Additional considerations
- When running in production, ArgoCD can be integrated with an [SSO provider][sso]
- ArgoCD embeds and bundles [Dex] to delegate authentication
- it can also use an existing OIDC provider (Okta, Keycloak...)
- A single ArgoCD instance can manage multiple clusters
(but it's also fine to have one ArgoCD per cluster)
- ArgoCD can be complemented with [Argo Rollouts][rollouts] for advanced rollout control
(blue/green, canary...)
## Acknowledgements
Many thanks to
Anton (Ant) Weiss ([antweiss.com](https://antweiss.com), [@antweiss](https://twitter.com/antweiss))
Guilhem Lettron
for contributing an initial version and suggestions to this ArgoCD chapter.
All remaining typos, mistakes, or approximations are mine (Jérôme Petazzoni).
[argocd-binaries]: https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/releases/latest
[argocd-helmchart]: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/argo/argocd-apps
[argocd-packages]: https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/cli_installation/
[cmp]: https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/operator-manual/config-management-plugins/
[Dex]: https://github.com/dexidp/dex
[generic-service]: https://github.com/jpetazzo/kubercoins/tree/helm/generic-service
[helm-branch]: https://github.com/jpetazzo/kubercoins/tree/helm
[issue14167]: https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/issues/14167
[kubercoins]: https://github.com/jpetazzo/kubercoins
[pollinginterval]: https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/faq/#how-often-does-argo-cd-check-for-changes-to-my-git-or-helm-repository
[rollouts]: https://argoproj.github.io/rollouts/
[sso]: https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/operator-manual/user-management/#sso
[values]: https://github.com/jpetazzo/kubercoins/tree/helm/values
:EN:- Implementing gitops with ArgoCD
:FR:- Workflow gitops avec ArgoCD
class: title
Merci !

## Derniers mots...
- Le portail de formation reste en ligne après la formation
- N'hésitez pas à nous contacter via la messagerie instantanée !
- Les VM ENIX restent en ligne au moins une semaine après la formation
(mais pas les clusters cloud ; eux on les éteint très vite)
- N'oubliez pas de remplier les formulaires d'évaluation
(c'est pas pour nous, c'est une obligation légale😅)
- Encore **merci** à vous !